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Lycan Counter-UAS

Layered Protection

Lycan is a turnkey system to find, track, and defeat Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS or drones) used by potential adversaries to surveil, target, and even attack government, military, and commercial sites.

Lycan employs a multi-layered approach. Signals from different sensors are integrated within IEC’s IntrudIR Alert control system, allowing detection and identification of even small Class I drones (such as a DJI Phantom) at a range of nearly 3 miles. This is comparable to seeing the surface details of a grain of sand held at arm’s length.

Mitigation Options

IEC offers several mitigation options such as soft kinetic mitigation using an interceptor drone to net the invading UAV, directional and omnidirectional RF jamming, and RF detection/mitigation.

Soft-Kinetic Net
Interceptor drone captures UAV.
Lycan Counter-UAS

Ease of Use

The Lycan is controlled using IEC’s IntrudIR Alert middleware. Information from all sensors, as well as system control functions, are integrated into a single user-configurable screen.

IEC software recognizes the difference between potential threats (drones) and benign items such as birds (also known as “clutter”). Built-in proprietary heuristics reduce operator fatigue and distraction by prioritizing targets of interest and removing clutter from the screen.

The modular architecture of Lycan and IntrudIR Alert middleware allows for easy integration with existing C2 systems as well as additional sensors and effectors to address site-specific needs in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

IntrudIR Alert reduces clutter making the Lycan the most effective counter-uas on the market.
Same scene shown with all radar targets displayed (left) and with clutter mitigation engaged (right)
The Lycan can be installed on a trailer, tripod, or tower.


  • Integrate and respond to input or signals from external systems or sensors.
  • Continuously optically track a target ensuring uninterrupted target monitoring and assessment.
  • Sophisticated target classification capabilities.
  • Automated focus and zoom allows system to adjust the focus and zoom levels in real-time, without manual intervention.
  • Detection and passive radar tracking up to 4.5 km1, refreshed 2x/second
  • EO/IR tracking to 4.5 km1 and beyond with integrated slew-to-cue
  • Omnidirectional and directional jamming of drone control, data, and navigation signals2
  • Kinetic mitigation of adversaries to 0.4 km
  • Radar field of view 360° x 20° (1.6 km high at 4.5 km range) to 360° x 60°, depending on configuration
  • EO/IR field of view: aimable in 360° x 90°
  • Field replacement of sensor modules without tools in less than two minutes
  • Configurable size, weight, and power (SWaP) to match fixed and mobile operational requirements, including fixed tower, trailer, and tripod installations.
  1. For micro UAS such as DJI Phantom (1.3 kg, 350 mm or 14″ wide). Detection and tracking ranges increase proportionately for larger drones.
  2. Jamming ranges are a function of power supply, antenna configuration, and relative distance from drone to its controller.